This is an attempt to collect links to all the various content that have been created for the Heroes of the Aturi Cluster campaign for X-Wing by Josh Derksen.
If you find any errors, or have suggestions for content to be added, please report it here
Official HotAC web site at Docking Bay 416
- Heroes of the Aturi Cluster – Co-operative Rebel Campaign (for X-Wing 1st edition)
- Forums
- Mirror of the HotAC WebSite from the Internet Archive
Second Edition
- HotAC 2.07 by Shaun Tiernan. Also includes the Ground Assault expansion by Peter Dolan
- Heroes of the Aturi Cluster Custom Campaigns, Missions, & Rules facebook group
- r/HotAC
- HotAC Custom Campaigns, Missions, & Rules Discord server
Other Second Edition Conversions
There have been several efforts to convert HotAC to X-Wing Second Edition. The following have not been completed
- HotAC 2.0 Playtest #2 - joint effort by people on the Facebook group. Seemingly abandoned.
- HotAC 2.0 by Tzapquiel
- Heroes of the Aturi Cluster Second Edition by Henning Roos
Extra rules
- X-Wing HotAC Module - Search and Rescue - Rules for rescuing shot down pilots
- HotAC AI Cards - Gallery with AIs for a lot of different ships (First Edition)
First Edition
- Battlestar Pallas - The gist of this campaign is that it outfits the players with a mothership, a captured Gozanti carrier, that they can outfit and strengthen over the course of the missions and take into battle on several occasions.
- Defenders of the Empire - Imperial Campaign
- Clone Wars Campaign Contest submission - 4 Republic campaigns submitted for a contest on the facebook group
Second Edition
- Flight Group Alpha - An Imperial Co-Operative Campaign - Developed to faithfully follow the storyline of the award-winning TIE Fighter PC game, this campaign follows a group of academy pilots as they struggle to become aces in the Imperial Navy.
- Omega One - a Flight Group Alpha Expansion - Allows you to develop the Lambda Shuttle that appears in many missions in the Flight Group Alpha campaign
Player Ships
First Edition
- ARC-170
- T-70 X-Wing
- Stat Cards for T-70 X-Wing, Arc 170, Skurgg Bomber, and K-Wing
- Large collection of over 50 custom player ships
Online play
- Vassal X-Wing module - Tool to play X-Wing online. Includes extension for HotAC.
Tabletop Simulator
First Edition
- X-wing Co-op Campaign - Heroes of the Aturi Cluster [HotAC] (with Automated Movement/AI)
- XWing Heroes of the Aturi Cluster Pandamonium Addition
Second Edition
- X-Wing 2.0 Unified HotAC
- X-wing Unified 2.0 campagne FR - French translation
Online tools
- X-Wing AI (First Edition) - Online AI tool, similar to the HotAC AI
- X-Wing AI (Second Edition) - Online AI tool, similar to the HotAC AI
- HotAC Ship Builder - Web based ship builder and campaign tracker for the Heroes of the Aturi Cluster campaign
- X-Wing AI app - iPhone app based on the HotAC/FGA AI
Downloadable tools
- Heroes of the Aturi Cluster AI Ship Random Generator
- Custom templates for use with the Heroes of the Aturi Cluster X-Wing Miniatures Campaign - Photoshop templates
- Star Flickers - All the terrain pieces for HotAC professionally printed. Also includes rules to play the game Star Flickers. Note: You also need the two expansions to get a complete HotAC set.
- HotAC Scenery - 3D models of the space station terrain pieces
- X-Wing HotAC - Terrain - Files for 3D printing the HotAC terrain components
- X-Wing Miniatures Heroes of the Aturi Cluster 3D Printed Battlements and Space Station
- GR-75 Proxy - Print this file out, combine the two parts, and you have a proxy GR-75 that can be used for Heroes of the Aturi Cluster
- XP Tracking tokens for HotAC
- Heroes of the Aturi Cluster Tuckboxes - Three tuckboxes for Pilots, Mission/Reference cards and the Minefield tokens.
- HotAC overlays - A series of numbered identifiers and etched arc indicators make HotAC play much easier
Articles, Reviews and Podcasts
- Aturi Cluster Wookiepedia article
- Heroes of the Aturi Cluster (Part I) - Review of HotAC on the Sundered Realm blog
- Making Up: X-Wing Heroes of the Aturi Cluster - Review of HotAC on the Player Elimination blog
- X-Wing – Flying Solo Part 4: Interview with Josh Derksen
- Tabletop Tuesday – Heroes of the Aturi Cluster - review of HotAC on d20 Radio
- Interrogation Droid- Josh Derksen, creator of Heroes of the Aturi Cluster - Interview with Josh Derksen on d20 Radio
- Making Up: X-Wing Heroes of the Aturi Cluster - Review on Player Elimination blog
- Board Game Review 25: Heroes of the Aturi Cluster - Failroad Express
- X-Wing Campaign Heroes of the Aturi Cluster Mission 1 - Video playtrhough by Cool Guys Nation
- Recon Specialist TV - YouTube channel with lots of X-Wing games, including HotAC and Flight Group Alpha
The Shuttle Tydirium podcast - HotAC related episodes
- Episode 9: Introduction to Heroes of the Aturi Cluster
- Episode 10: Artficial Intelligence in HotAC
- Episode 11: Pilot progression in HotAC
- Episode 12: The Missions of HotAC
- Episode 18: Interview with stowaway Josh Derksen, creator of HotAC
- Episode 21: Will the Garbage do?
- Episode 22: The Prodigal Sullustan Returns
- Episode 23: Epic Discussion
- Episode 34: X Wing Smorgasbord
- Episode 52: Turn Timers Mostly Suck
- Episode 58: I Feel a Need… A Need for CRUISE MISSILES!
- Episode 87: Alien Luxury Minis